Reach Out Intensive Support Pathway
‘Reach Out’, aims to reduce the number of women reoffending and increase the number diverted from the court, probation and custodial systems, resulting in fewer women serving short custodial sentences and a greater proportion managed successfully in the community.
From October 2021 to Sept 2022 just under 25% of women referred to our service were unable to engage and were referred back to the Police and Probation. As a consequence, for women serving an Out of Court Resolution, their offence can be escalated to formal court proceedings. For women on probation it is likely to result in being in breach of their order with the potential to be sent back to court and the associated increased risk of a custodial sentence. Analysis of this group of women shows that in most cases, this is due to their presenting with a combination of needs which require a more intensive and direct approach.
The approach has been shown to reduce long-term or crisis-point demands on services such as health and housing, more survivors accessing support for domestic abuse, and a reduction in the number of children entering the care system
Reach Out
This Intensive Support Pathway service will compliment our existing CRS and Out of Court Resolution contracts by using a new approach to supporting women at our existing Women’s Centre and in the wider county. This approach will focus on women who present a high-risk of reoffending and who face significant barriers to engaging in their community sentences, out of court disposals and post-custodial resettlement. The new intensive approach will aim to build trusting relationships enabling the removal of barriers to their engagement.

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